Adam Weatherly

Purposely Made & Artfully Crafted Pho...

Adam is an artist from Oklahoma. From the time he was old enough to hold a crayon, his grandfather started teaching him how to draw. At the age of seven, he was always getting in trouble for drawing and daydreaming in school. It was around that same time that he was diagnosed with a severe case of the learning disability, dyslexia. When it came time for spelling tests and essay’s, Adam would draw the word, or illustrate an essay. Since he wasn’t a good academic student, he dove into the world of art. Adam started off with drawing and painting, as most young artists do. But when he was twelve, he received his first Kodak disposable camera to document his experience at Boy Scout Camp. After having the camera developed, there was one photograph that stood out. This photograph was of the Seven Sisters Mountains in Arkansas from the Camp Orr Chapel at sunset. It was this photograph that started Adam’s passion for photography. Today, Adam has earned a degree from Oklahoma State University in Graphic Design Technology, and a degree from Central Bible College in Pastoral Ministry and the Bible. He is an Ordained Assembly of God World Missionary, who‘s calling is to write, develop and produce Biblical resources and curriculum. Adam’s purpose as a photographer is to create purposefully made and artfully crafted photographic art to hang on the walls of homes, churches, and businesses around the world.